by the representative of Ukraine
at the Third Committee on the agenda item 28 “Advancement of women”
14 October 2013, New York
Mr. Chairman,
Ukraine considers ensuring gender equality, gender mainstreaming and empowerment of women not only as an important objective, but also as an essential part of the pursuit of democracy and development.
While Ukraine aligns itself with the statement made by the Delegation of the European Union, I will make few brief points in my national capacity.
Ukraine pays particular attention to achieving the Millennium Development Goals and implementation of the outcome documents of both the Beijing Conference and the 23rd Special Session of the United Nations General Assembly.
According to the national legislation, men and women in Ukraine have full socio-economic, civil and political rights and freedoms as well as equal opportunities for their realization. The principle of gender equality is determined by the Constitution of Ukraine.
Provisions of the fundamental international instruments and mechanisms in the sphere of gender equality are incorporated in the national legislation aiming at development of the institutional mechanism on gender equality, gender-oriented system of education, science, statistics, civil society activities and state human resources policy.
Mr. Chairman,
In recent years Ukraine has adopted a number of sectoral and intersectoral programs aimed at implementing the gender-related Millennium Development Goals. The society’s perception of the role of men and women has changed and nowadays more young families have equal distribution of gender roles. The population better identifies the situations of discrimination on the basis of gender thus showing raise awareness of gender rights.
These and other important trends were properly reflected in the national reports of Ukraine, inter alia, submitted to the United Nations Secretariat while preparations to the 2ndHRC Universal Periodic Review cycle (October 2012) and most recently for examinations by the UN Human Rights Committee (July 2013), demonstrating achievement reached by Ukraine in the above mentioned sphere.
Notwithstanding a progress welcomed in course of the examinations on a number of issues defined in the national reports, challenges still remain. Further economic empowerment of women and enhancement of their participation in decision-making in the public and political spheres, including in the Parliament, are among them. We value the recommendations received and will continue our persistent efforts in order to meet the above objectives and to bring the national gender legislation in line with international and European standards, thus contributing to attaining goals of the European integration – Ukraine’s foreign policy priority.
Mr. Chairman,
Ukraine was among the first Member States to join the UNiTE Campaign to end violence against women, launched by the United Nations Secretary General in 2008.
We welcome the efforts being made to this end by the United Nations Human Rights Council, in particular, the establishment in 2011 of the HRC Working Group on discrimination against women in law and in practice, as well as the work of the Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially women and children, whose mandate is extended to 2014.
We would also like to commend the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women for its important work in monitoring implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.
Mr. Chairman,
Ukraine is a staunch supporter of the international efforts in the framework of the United Nations aimed at preventing and eliminating sexual violence in conflict.
During the Security Council Open Debate on the issue of sexual violence in conflicts held on 24 June 2013, our delegation aligned itself with the statement made by the European Union and cosponsored resolution 2106 (2013) adopted by the Security Council as an outcome of that meeting.
In this regard Ukraine welcomes recent commitments of the G8 on enhancing efforts to address impunity for sexual violence in conflict, including the endorsement of the development of an International Protocol on the Investigation and Documentation of sexual violence in conflict. In September this year Ukraine joined the list of supporting countries of the Declaration of Commitment to End Sexual Violence in Conflict.
In conclusion, Mr.Chairman, Ukraine reaffirms its strong commitment to apply all the efforts in order to ensure for women as well as their families and children healthy and worthy conditions for their steady advancement in all spheres of life.
I thank you, Mr. Chairman.