Address of the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko to the United Nations leadership on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of signature of the UN Charter
26 June 2015 17:37


The world of today is strikingly different from that of 70 years ago. The UN has become genuinely universal, committed to the well-being of nations across the world. Fifty-four African countries have entered the UN since there were only three present in San Francisco in 1945, a number of European countries have being embraced in the UN family after regaining independence, many small island states have amplified their voices in a struggle for survival against the climate change.

Now, even more than 70 years ago, the world cannot afford the principles enshrined in the UN Charter to be breached, ignored or diluted. On the contrary, the joint responsibility, commitment and coherence must be reiterated and enhanced to insure against the new threats such as international terrorism, cyber threats, a new dreadful phenomenon of hybrid warfare.

The UN Charter withstood dramatic changes and proved its centrality in today's global architecture, as the primary international legal instrument for protection of the international peace and security.

Any encroachment on the Charter provisions, unwarranted and selective interpretations of its articles, any actions undermining its authority and inciting disregard for the letter and the spirit of its principles, represent a clear threat to the international peace with far-reaching repercussions for the well-being of all peoples.

Illegal annexation of Ukraine's Autonomous Republic of Crimea by the Russian Federation, its direct military intervention in Donbas, as well as supply of weapons, military equipment, financial resources and mercenaries to illegal armed groups seriously question the whole Security Council's ability to adhere to its noble mission. Moscow's reckless policies are pushing the world to the brink of war, which is something that humanity and the UN family cannot afford to ignore.

Ukraine, as a responsible member of the international community, which has voluntarily renounced the third largest nuclear weapons arsenal and actively contributed to the UN peacekeeping, as well as a candidate country for non-permanent seat at the UN Security Council for 2016-2017, will spare no effort in upholding and promoting the UN principles.

In a run up to the upcoming 70th UN General Assembly, I encourage the world leaders to exert every effort and to explore every opportunity aimed to restore the respect and the authority of the UN Charter that have suffered severe damage in the recent past.

Voices and concerns of all nations - big or small, powerful or developing -have to be heard and taken on board should the UN and its Security Council live up to aspirations of their architects, who gathered in San Francisco 70 years ago.

I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to you the assurances of my highest consideration.


Petro Poroshenko

President of Ukraine

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