Water and Technology. Thematic presentation
21 September 2013 01:27

Water and Technology. Thematic presentation 

UN Headquarters Conference Room 6/NLB

Date and location - September 20, 2013 10:00am – 1:00pm

Thematic Briefing as a follow-up of the High-Level Forum on South-South Cooperation for Sustainable Development on July 18, 2013 in Hong Kong and as a contribution to the 2013 International Year of Water Cooperation to discuss the implementation of the water Know-How and scientific approach for minimizing severe water stress. 

Program“R&D and Water Technologies consisted ofpanel presentations by speakers and discussion:

Moderator:   Dr. Eugene Stakhiv, John Hopkins University, UNESCO International Center for Integrated Water Resources Management 

- H.E. Mr. Yuriy Sergeyev, Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the United Nations (Water Development in Ukraine and international insight)

- H.E. Mr. Alexandru Cujba, Ambassador, Director-General of the International Organisation for South-South Cooperation (IOSSC as a vehicle for advancing development)

- Dr. Yaroslav Kologrivov, Intellectual Property Director of the Science Park “Kyivska Polytechnika” (presentation of Science Park “Kyivska Polytechnika and the water technology Know-How, R&D)

-  Mr. Olexandr Zgurovsky, Science Park Marketing Director, (presentation of two movie screening of applied water technologies, KPI educational and research programs)

-Mr. VolodymyrRysukhin, Managing ExpertoftheSciencePark “KyivskaPolytechnika” (applied water purification and desalination technologies in Crimea (Ukraine) and in Kenya)


With first-hand knowledge of the effects of water contamination, the diplomats and members of the IOCC stated at the United Nations headquarters in New York. Malaria is a disease that kills more people in Gambia and other African nations than any other disease. Stagnant and unpurified water are the breeding grounds for infectious bacteria and open source of malaria. Mr. Olexander Zgurosky the representative of KPI Ukraine explained that “low quality water consumption results in 80% of the major diseases in the world”.

The National Technical University of Ukraine is introducing innovative methods that developing countries can use to ensure reduction of diseases. Not only is the treat of disease an issue but also shortage of clean drinking water is a looming issue for the world community and development of sanitation standards. By 2025, 48 countries will face a critical shortage of clean water. The scientist at The National Technical University of Ukraine are working on many techniques and know-how to purify water.

Eugene Stakhiv of the U.S. army engineer corps, initiated the conversation on water resources and its importance in developing countries. “Many practical innovation are happening in Ukraine”. One example is the sophisticated mobile desalination units. “Many other countries can benefit from the mobile desalination units” says Mr. Stakhiv. These units can purify water to drinking and technical condition, their mobility and cost efficiency allow them to be much easier installed and moved. Speakers introduced “sea and ocean water desalination” which can be a very important tool for costal countries and islands.

The World Information Transfer, media manager Wayne Doyle asked a question about energy sufficiency and electric use in this regard, the panel including Mr. Yuriy A. Sergeyev (Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the United Nations) said that most of the units such as desalination systems are energy consuming but Ukrainian scientist are working on innovative methods like “sea-wave” or “ocean-wave” electricity generators which use almost free renewable energy from out the planet.   

Dr. Oleksii Novikov, Vice-Rector of the University KPI and H.E. Mr. Alexandru Cujba, Ambassador, Director-General of the International Organisation for South-South Cooperation signed bilateral Agreement on intention to cooperate by providing the possibilities for the countries of Global South to the suitable technologies at affordable cost, including water sector.


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