Mr. President,
I take this opportunity to congratulate you with your effective Presidency of the Council during this month.
I would like to thank the delegation of Malaysia for requesting this meeting as well as all members of the Security Council and the grieving nations for their strong support to the idea of establishing an international criminal tribunal to hold to account those responsible for the downing of MH17.
It is obvious that these historical times will always be remembered. Not only because of the number of vetoes of the Russian Federation, but because of the spirit of unity among the JIT participating countries and all who support us in our efforts to deliver justice.
A year ago the Ukrainian people took the downing of MH17 as a national tragedy and it will always remain this way in our hearts.
When we heard about this accident, first we had some hopes to save lives and immediately provided all possible means to the rescue teams. Then we have done all possible to prevent looting and secure access of the investigators to the areas controlled by the terrorists.
Now our duty before those who died and the families of the victims is to bring to justice those who have committed this barbarian act.
Mr. President,
I would like to make several points crystal clear:
- The Security Council Resolution 2166 established an obligation for the states to cooperate fully in the course of investigation of this tragedy and to bring those responsible to justice.
- Use of sophisticated and powerful weapon against the civilian aircraft constitutes the threat to the international civil aviation and to the international peace and security in general. The only effective way to prevent such acts in the future is to punish those responsible without delay. It is the issue for the Security Council to deal with under Chapter VII of the UN Charter. The level of support our draft Resolution has gained clearly shows that we are on the right track.
- Our aim is to crate effective, transparent, unbiased and independent mechanism to bring to justice those responsible for the crime. It is about individual criminal responsibility of the murderers. It is not about politics.
That is why it is particularly disappointing that one country still mix those two separate issues: it’s political responsibility for creating an artificial conflict in Donbass area of Ukraine and continues support of terrorism, on one hand, and individual responsibility of the perpetrators of the MH17 tragedy – on the other.
We feel the pain of the victims - more than anyone.
That's way we want the truth about this crime - more than anyone.
We want the perpetrators revealed and tried by a public international court.
There can be no reason to oppose this - unless you a perpetrator yourself.
The role of this country in the conflict is clear and well known. Thousands of Russians solders and mercenaries, tanks and other heavy weapons delivered through the border impossible to hide. Just recently another Russian truck packed with ammunition was captured in Ukraine. The driver is the Russian Special Forces officer.
But this story is a subject for another international mechanism.
When I look at the Russian delegation today I feel pity. It dared to dump the aspirations of the whole world and especially of the families of the victims. To align their country with the thugs who committed this atrocious crime.
But our hope for the justice is not lost. The Russian Federation, as the UN people would say, just killed the resolution. But this abuse of the veto power will not kill the hope of those who suffered. It will only make us stronger and more determined to elaborate and implement effective and credible prosecution model to deliver justice.
I get reminded of one Shakespeare’s line - about "the captive good attending captain ill".
Let's stop "attending captain ill".
It's not worth it.
In the faith of truth, humanity and God - if you still believe in God.
This tribunal is about 298 innocent lives.
It is about the truth.
If you are afraid of truth - you are on the wrong side.
"And if you know the truth - the truth will set you free" (Gospel of John, 8:32).
These are not my words. They come from a higher authority.
Thank you, Mr. President