In explanation of vote on draft resolution “Combating glorification of Nazism, neo-nazism and other practices that contribute to fueling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance”
21 November 2014
Madam Chair,
Ukraine would like to make a statement to explain its position on the resolution entitled “Combating glorification of Nazism, neo-nazism and other practices that contribute to fueling contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance”.
Having lost millions of its people during WW II ukraine realizes very well what Nazism is. Ukraine is convinced that, clearly, none of the delegations sitting in this room is supportive of or willing to glorify Nazism and neo-nazism, holocaust, racism, xenophobia and any other form of intolerance. We condemn Nazism and neo-nazism as well as other violent totalitarian ideologies in the strongest possible terms.
We still remember millions of our compatriots lost as a result of another totalitarian regime known as Stalinism that was killing Ukrainians in artificial famines and concentration camps of GULAG.
Ukrainians equally condemn Hitler and Stalin as international criminals for what they have done to us. We have always demanded that Russia should stop glorifying Stalinism and neo-Stalinism because of their misanthropic and xenophobic nature. Until and unless the notions of Stalinism and neo-Stalinism are equally condemned along with nazism and neo-nazism and other forms of intolerance Ukraine will not be able to support the draft presented by Russia.
We reiterate that the matter of nazism and neo-nazism, as any other issue considered by the UN, should be dealt with in a manner that is appropriate, balanced, and precise.
We deem it totally unacceptable and wrongful to take to the manipulations with history and twist the essence in pursuance of one’s aggressive political agenda. This is, unfortunately, how the penholder of the draft resolution is handling this matter.
Madam Chair,
Ukraine is strictly against this cynical attempt of the Russian Federation to present itself as a champion of combating Nazism and neo-nazism while repeating those same crimes against entire nations. Not only has Russia illegally annexed Crimea and started an undeclared hybrid war on Ukraine but it is also openly supporting various Russian neo-nazi groups such as “Wolf’s Hundred” fighting among the illegal armed terrorists operating in the territory of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, Ukraine.
Russia’s official policy is deliberately aimed at substituting existing common perceptions. Unsubstantially blaming others, Russia itself is actively supporting radical movements and neo-nazism in its own country as well as abroad. Russian Cossacks in Crimea openly promote nationalistic, xenophobia and chauvinistic policies.
It's becoming increasingly dangerous to speak Ukrainian in Crimea and the areas in Donetsk and Luhansk regions controlled by the terrorists. Crimean Tatars and other ethnic groups fear to leave the territory of the Crimean peninsula due to high risks of being banned to return to their homes. Bans to enter Crimea by Mejilis leaders M.Dzemilev and R.Chubarov are amongst numerous cases that are hard to be tolerated.
Information propaganda rooted in Russian consciousness continues to further fuel chauvinism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism and ethnic strife.
The whole world was shocked to hear the words of the Russian leadership commending the soviet-German partnership on the eve of WWII and Ribbentrop-Molotov secret protocols of 1939 - a deal between the USSR and Germany that resulted in the division of Europe and brought the world to a global war.
Proposed draft resolution sends a wrong signal to the international community, particularly to younger generations. It might be interpreted as if other violent totalitarian ideologies might be tolerable in some circumstances.
It is against this background that Ukraine has decided to vote “against” the draft resolution introduced by the Russian Federation.
Thank you, Mr. Chair