Statement of Ukrainian Delegation at the UNSC open debate on Commemorating the10th anniversary of Resolution 1540 (2004)
07 May 2014 16:49

 Mr. President,


First of all, I would like to thank the delegation of Republic of Korea for convening this important meeting today.

Ukraine welcomes 10th anniversary of the Resolution 1540 and the forthcoming 2016 Comprehensive Review as important milestones and opportunity to identify realistic goals for the future.

Ukraine attaches great importance to the implementation of the Resolution 1540 and the subsequent resolutions 1673 and 1810. We participate actively in WMD non-proliferation projects.

In March of 2013, Ukraine approved the Concept of Combating Terrorism, including the nuclear one. Measures to respond the terrorism threat are being practiced on permanent basis. Nine anti-terrorist exercises were carried out.

A State Plan of interaction between central and local authorities in case of committing sabotage on nuclear facilities, nuclear materials and other sources of ionizing radiation during their use, storage or transportation, and on nuclear waste in the process of treatment was approved.

Antiterrorist activities are also envisaged by the EU-Ukraine Association Agenda as well as Annual National Programmes of Ukraine-NATO cooperation.

A common tactical and special training was held to test the capabilities that are involved to ensure the physical security and anti-terrorist security of nuclear power plants in Ukraine.


Mr. President,


In October 2013 Kiev hosted joint training on combating acts of nuclear terrorism for law enforcement officials and other central authorities of Ukraine and Belarus, which was aimed at improving the professional abilities and skills of relevant experts in nuclear and radiological terrorismresistance.

The work is being constantly carried out in order to enhance the efficiency of radiation monitoring systems at the state border of Ukraine. At the beginning of 2014 such systems were installed at 57 checkpoints. Altogether it is planned to install them at 150 checkpoints. The use of mobile radiation monitoring systems that provide monitoring of green control is also being expanded.

In June 2013 Kyiv held a meeting of Interagency Expert Working Group on countering the threat of proliferation of weapons and materials of mass destruction, related terrorist threats and protection of state infrastructure critical for life support.

International and regional cooperation among States is a crucial step towards achieving the key objectives of the Resolution 1540.

That is why in November 2013, in Kyiv, the Government of Ukraine in cooperation with the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affaires and the Conflict Prevention Center of the OSCE held the regional workshop on implementation of the United Nations Security Council resolution 1540 (2004).


Mr. President,

Resolution 1540 is an international legally binding instrument dealing with the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and has played a crucial role in global and regional non-proliferation efforts.

This is a fundamental aspect that differentiates the resolution from many other international non-proliferation documents, which are mostly voluntary. It also encourages enhanced international cooperation on such efforts. The resolution affirms support for the multilateral treaties aimed at elimination or prevention of the proliferation of WMDs and the importance for all States to implement them fully. In this regard I would like to underline that existing global non-proliferation regime is based on the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty.


 20 years ago Ukraine became a member of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. During the past period Ukraine has been thoroughly implementing all provisions of the document. Moreover, Ukraine has taken and successfully fulfilled additional obligations in the Nuclear Security Summit framework by getting rid of all its stockpiles of highly enriched uranium. On the occasion of the third Nuclear Security Summit in The Hague (24-25 of March, 2014, the Netherlands), Ukraine in the Joint Statement with the United States of America reiterated its commitment to upholding its nuclear nonproliferation commitment.

Ukraine’s decision to remove all nuclear weapons from its territory and to accede to the NPT as a non-nuclear-weapon state has been adopted under the strict conditions: in the 1994 Budapest Memorandum the United States, the Russian Federation, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland not only welcomed the Ukrainian actions, but also fixed their commitment to Ukraine to respect the independence, sovereignty, and existing borders of Ukraine. 

The Russian Federation’s deliberate aggression against Ukraine and annexation of Crimea as well as Russia’s support of the terrorist groups operating in the eastern regions of Ukraine provokes misbalance in the existing international security system.

We are still confident that Russia’s unilateral military actions in Ukraine undermine the foundation of the global security architecture and endanger not only European, but global peace and security.


Mr. President,


Today we witness the situation when the Russian Federation undermines the NPT regime not only by violating the Budapest Memorandum but also by violating the Non-Proliferation Treaty itself, which clearly states that “States must refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State, or in any other manner”.


At the same time Ukraine considers the NPT as a cornerstone of the global non-proliferation regime and an essential basis for achieving the objectives of nuclear disarmament and commends the efforts of states that have reaffirmed their guarantees for territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine and appraise their support and engagement for these commitments to be further fulfilled.

We still count on their support because my country will never agree to recognize the deliberate annexation of a part of its territory by the Russian Federation.


I thank you Mr. President




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