Open dialogue "Sustainable Nuclear Energy" organized by the Ukrainian Mission to the UN
13 March 2013, 16:15

Add to calendar 2013-04-16 10:00:00 2013-04-19 10:00:00 Europe/Kiev Open dialogue "Sustainable Nuclear Energy" organized by the Ukrainian Mission to the UN  Dear colleagues, International dialogue session is in-person meeting as a follow-up to the "World We Want" campaign as well as the Global Consultation on Energy.   16 April 2013 United Nations Headquarters, New York NorthLoanBuilding, CR 5 10:00 – 13:00 We would appreciate your active participation to discuss sustainable nuclear energy: we want it to be development-oriented, safe and transparent.        For any additional info please contact the Organizing board: Mr.Dmytro Kushneruk, Counselor Mr.Yaroslav Golitsyn, First Secretary Ukrainian Mission to the UN    Sustainable Nuclear Energy: development, transparency, security      Explanatory Note General remarks Ukraine is confident that broad international discussion under the auspices of the United Nations is a crucial element to frame the national and global priorities for the future development. We believe that energy, being a constituent component to the global sustainable development, should be an integral part of the United Nations strategic agenda. Governments supported initiative of the Secretary-General on Sustainable Energy for All and recognized the documents of Rio+20 Conference in order to enhance the influence of energy issues on economic, social, environmental and other development areas.   In order to achieve MDGs with a vivid success and than to launch the Post-2015 Development Agenda the nations worldwide should outline their key challenges and priorities for the potential development strategies. With the reference to the future sound generations and remembering the number of man-made disasters, caused by peaceful atom, Ukraine strives to build up its green economic model. However reliance only on alternative sources of energy or burning of fossil fuels for the transportation, electricity generation and other social and industrial needs will not resolve issues of our emerging development agenda.  In identifying this vision we look forward to open discussion on sustainable nuclear energy as a sub-item of energy issues for the Post-2015 Development Agenda and SDGs. Message and Rational We believe that energy accessibility for every nation is one of those important instruments to tackle down its economic and social challenges. Affordable energy is a solution to minimize poverty rates and sustain food security in rural and urban areas; to improve living standards and develop national healthcare; to support education and science. The importance of energy in the world development cannot be over estimated. Bearing in mind that Chornobyl fallout and recent incidents diminished political and public support of nuclear energy Ukraine intends to introduce its revised and modern view of the nuclear power generation. Nowadays with the threat of climate change and the search for low- or no-carbon energy sources international community is continuously leaning again toward the nuclear power use.  The progress of the nuclear power generation is inevitable. Ukraine as well as other countries revised its safety standards in all operational and designed nuclear power plants. While promoting nuclear energy generation we must take into account all considerations, from science to public health and safety, calculate the full range of benefits and risks Approach                 In order to launch the dialogue on importance of the sustainable nuclear energy for the UN Post-2015 Development Agenda the nations should evaluate the linkage and interconnectivity between the energy and other global development issues.                 Development. Sustainable nuclear power generation is a continuous, relatively affordable and low-emission source of energy to satisfy growing world energy demand challenges. It is a power train to sustain economic and social development worldwide, to improve technology and introduce the new standards in healthcare, education and science.                 Transparency.  Appropriate solutions on sustainable nuclear energy should be a matter of public discussion and consultations. The civil society insight is a strong background for the political decisions on nuclear power issues. Regular reviews and assessments of the peaceful nuclear activity is a vital part of open and sustainable development.                  Security. The introduction of the newest safety technologies and standards at the operational and newly designed nuclear facilities should be the Government’s main priority. Technical and consultative cooperation with International Atomic Energy Agency is to be the road map for the national sustainable nuclear energy plans. Governments should enhance the international cooperation on illicit trafficking of nuclear and other radioactive materials as well as combating nuclear terrorism                  Considering the possibility of joining international efforts in order to increase the awareness on nuclear energy risks Ukraine developed the concept on establishing of the International Scientific and Practical Centre for Research of Technogenic Risks during the Nuclear Energy Use (ICTR will be based on the State Agency of Ukraine on Exclusion Zone Management and State Scientific and Research Institution “Chornobyl Center for Nuclear Safety, Radioactive Waste and Radioecology”)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  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